Helpful Resources
Over the years, it's been my good fortune to discover wonderful resources which have helped build my understanding, appreciation and passion for the period art and antiques in my collection. Since the institutions, organizations and publications listed below are simply a fraction of those making significant contributions to our field, I welcome your feedback and additions. My hope is that this will be an ever-expanding, fluid resource as you research and endeavor to build your collection.
- Art & Antiques Magazine 11 issues annually
- The Magazine Antiques 6 issues annually
- American History Magazine 6 issues annually
- Charleston International Antiques Show Spring annually
- Madison, Georgia Antique Show Spring annually
- Scott's Antique Market, Atlanta Georgia second weekend every month
- The Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts (MESDA) Winston-Salem, NC
- Fort Pulaski National Monument Savannah, GA
- The Gibbes Museum of Art Charleston, SC
- The Morris Museum Augusta, GA
- High Musuem Atlanta, Georgia
- The Tubman Museum Macon, Georgia